Wednesday, December 30, 2009

october 2009 (best of)

hazy politics

I'd never been shooting in the fog, so when Brian Cormack suggested we go I figured it was worth a try. It was a soggy night, and I had a lot of fun shooting something new. Above is the Arkansas State Capitol.

a fresh start

One of the drawbacks of my hobby (for others not me) is I tend to get distracted and show up late to things. If I have to be somewhere on time it's just best I leave the camera at home. The shot above was taken at Lake Conway while I was on the way to a Halloween function at a friend's house. I went exploring to find a good spot to shoot the awesome sunset and ended up being a tad bit late.


I love the Lost Valley. It's such a beautiful area. I made two trips there, before the leaves fell. There's so much to explore along the one mile trail and in the area around Lost Valley.


Here's a shot of Lower Eden Falls in the Lost Valley. This was one of my first decent black and white conversions. It's still something I struggle with.

moon river

I had wanted to shoot the moon for a while, but I only have a 55-200mm lens. It doesn't really do the moon justice. Well on this night there were lots of fast moving clouds. I figured I could get something interesting with the clouds. I sat in my front yard with a tripod, camera, and beer for about 30-minutes. It was just enough time to freak out all of my neighbors.

1 comment:

  1. I can just picture you sitting in your front yard doing that - I'd be freaked out if I were your neighbors!
